Stage 7 was the time trial. So it was a short distance, about an hour and half for us. We rode it as a group. It was a good short ride. For me however, it was an even shorter ride. At about an hour I called for the van. The second skin had come off, and I was worried about my injury. I did not want to take any chances, so I pulled off. I would reapply it as we got to the hotel again.

So now it is noon, as opposed to 6PM and we all have a chance to figure out how to spend the rest of our day in France. Some are going shopping, others into the little town for lunch and then we will all reconvene at a cafe this afternoon to watch the Tour. It is a nice change of pace today. Tomorrow the longer days will start again, with another 180KM day.
I am pleasantly surprised how fresh I feel given that I have logged over 500 miles this week. I now realize that at the pace we go at, we can probably chug along forever. That is of course if the route remained flat. In about three days, we hit the Pyrenees, where the big mountains loom.

Keep going strong brother, I'm not sure who's having more fun, you killing yourself going up hill, or me sitting at work! Keep goin' strong.
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